Many of the pregnant women have a lingering fear that their baby may be affected by birth defects. They fear that something they ate or any medications taken may cause birth defects. “What causes abnormal development in an unborn child? What are the precautions that can be taken to prevent it? How can they be diagnosed?” These are the common questions asked by would be mothers. In this article I will attempt to answer some questions.
Teratogenesis is a process that causes birth defects or malformations in an embryo or foetus by external agents.
Teratology is the study of the causes and underlying mechanisms leading to birth defects or malformations.
A teratogen is a substance (from outside the body) that causes birth defects or malformations.
The baby’s organs are formed by a highly synchronised mechanism. This can be disrupted by external agents which usually cause multiple deformities. Some of these agents are:
Epilepsy medicines
Anti hypertensives
Anti depressives
Sleeping pills
Anti-coagulants or blood thinners
Anti diabetics
Alcohol : It causes typical group of abnormalities called fetal alcohol syndrome.
Recreational drugs: Cocaine, heroin , opioids.
Infections: TORCH, zika, chicken pox.
Most teratogens act during the first 3months of pregnancy. This is the time a lady may not be aware of her pregnancy. Hence any woman planning pregnancy should take these precautions:
Avoid self medication. Discuss with your doctor about your plans regarding pregnancy before taking any medication.
Avoid radiation exposure during second half of your cycle.
If you happen to have diabetes or hypertension talk to your doctor and change your medication to that compatible with pregnancy .
If you are on oral anticoagulants change to heparin.
Be up to date in your vaccination schedule.
Avoid smoking alcohol and recreational drugs.
Eat healthy diet.