Healthy Mom Healthy baby
During pregnancy your eating habits directly affect the health and growth of your baby. Good eating habits and balanced diet go a long way in ensuring the health of the baby. . If you already eat a balanced diet, all you have to do is add a few extra well-chosen calories. If you have not been eating a healthy diet, pregnancy is a great time to change old habits and develop healthy new ones. Eat healthy and prepare your baby for a healthy life……
How many extra calories do I need.
You must have heard a common saying that in pregnancy you should eat for two people. This is a complete myth. You need extra calories. But you have to increase it gradually as the baby grows.
First trimester. No extra calories
Second trimester. 300 to 350 extra calories
Third trimester. 450 extra calories
Totally you need about 2200to 2500 calories. If you have twin pregnancy or triplet you have to get your calorie intake advice by your doctor. The calorie intake should consist of protein, high fibre cereals, low fat diary products, good quality oils nuts vegetables.
Every woman gains around 7 to 12kg weight during pregnancy. It is to be remembered that pregnancy is not a time to lose weight or diet as it can have ill effects on the baby.
Some tips…
Make one half of your plate fruits and vegetables.
• Switch to skim milk or 1% milk.
• Make one half of your grains whole grains.
• Vary your protein sources. Eat fish 2–3 times a week and choose lean meats and poultry. Vegetarians can get protein from a wide variety of plant-based foods such as nuts, seeds, and soy products.
• Limit foods with “empty” calories. These are foods that have a lot of calories but little nutritional value, such as candy, chips, and sugary drinks
Take a vitamin supplement that contains 600 micrograms of folic acid and 27 mg of iron.